Send us a text This is one of our most popular episodes. Join us for an insightful exploration of the evolving dynamics in parent-child relationships and the often-misunderstood in-law dynamics in our latest podcast episode ...
Play Latest EpisodeSend us a text This is one of our most popular episodes. Join us for an insightful exploration of the evolving dynamics in parent-child relationships and the often-misunderstood in-law dynamics in our latest podcast episode ...
Send us a text This episode is a "must listen" for an parent of an adult child on the brink of welcoming a grandchild. We are thrilled to bring you a special episode with the wise and compassionate Kimberly Beppler, The Grand...
Send us a text 🌟 A listener wrote to us about Tina Gilbertson , the guest in today's episode. She told us that Tina "saved her life." The pain and guilt that parents go through when estranged from their adult children is unim...
Send us a text This is a very special episode for a couple of reasons. First, we’re thrilled to finally interview Dr. Ellen Braaten , the podcast's original co-host, about her incredible book, Bright Kids Who Couldn’t Care Le...
Send us a text Today we speak with Karen Denison Clark as she courageously recounts her journey from being a young tennis star victimized by her coach, to becoming a fearless advocate against sexual abuse. Her narrative, shar...
Send us a text Are you missing the signs? Do you really know how your adult child feels and are you ready to begin to mend a fractured relationship? In this episode, we sit down with Sally Harris , to explore the nuances o...