It's June and that is typically wedding season. So we thought we'd combine our two wedding episodes into one BEST OF THE BEST. You will hear first from fAleigh Huston-Lyons, a therapist and coach at AisleTalk: Consultation ...
It's Pride Month and we are taking a second look at the LGBTQ+ community. We have two guests. The first is Linda K. Reeves, a licensed marriage and family therapist certified as a gender specialist by the World Professional...
Welcome back to THE most downloaded episode of Season 2. Our guest today, one of the foremost experts who studies how individuals and families develop and change throughout their lives, tells us that as we age, we regret not ...
Happy Mother’s Day! Today we are joined by two amazing moms with great advice for keeping our relationships with our adult children healthy, fun and spirited. Also listen for some special Mother’s Day messages of support and ...
Street Interviews with Young Adults and Parents from Around the World! As the old saying goes, “the best laid plans of mice and men oft go astray.” That is exactly what happened. Denise's plan to visit Ellen in Prague took a ...
This episode digs deep. Today we interview Daniel Maté , who, with his father Dr. Gabor Maté has been holding highly engaging and popular workshops called “Hello Again - A Fresh Start for Parents and Their Adult Children."...
Disrespect. We've all been there with our grown children. The rolling of the eyes, the under the breath grunt and sometimes just complete disrespect. Is it normal? How do we react and handle it? Today we speak with Jennif...
Today we talk to Dr. Jefferey Berstien. He is a licensed clinical psychologist who has been helping children, teens, couples and families for over thirty years. He is the author of several books including his latest - now com...
Today we speak with Tracy Hargen who tells us about her journey to becoming a featured writer on so many topics for the popular website Grown and Flown. She helps us, with real ideas, for starting conversations with our adult...
Before we get into this episode I want to remind listeners to sign up for this FREE "Graceful Empty-Nester" Virtual Conference. It begins on February 19 and runs through Feb 28. There are featured experts with strategies to r...
Don't underestimate how much the people who come after you are going to know about you! Today, our guest is Erik Vance. He is an award-winning story-teller and New York Times editor based in Boulder, Colorado. (lucky guy). W...
This is the most requested topic by our listeners! We talk to Dr. Mark McConville,a Clinical Psychologist and author of the book - “Failure to Launch,” Why Your Twentysomething Hasn’t Grown Up….What to Do About It. Dr. McCon...
Listener requested! The wedding is over. Grandchildren have arrived, but now there is trouble in paradise. Your Adult Child is Getting a Divorce . When to bite our tongues? How or when to offer advice? The wedding was such ...
Today we are rewinding and sharing a holiday episode we loved. We interview Jane Isay . She is the author of the book Walking on Eggshells, Navigating the Delicate Relationships between Adult Children and Parents. She is a N...
Don't Bite Your Tongue -- that is what today's guest says! "Silence does not build intimacy." Today Denise and Ellen interview Dr. Ruth Nemzoff , the author of the book "Don't Bite Your Tongue: How to Foster Rewarding Relat...
Today Ellen and Denise are talking to Ellie and Carrie Monahan. They are sisters and as some of you might know they are the daughters of Katie Couric, an American journalist and author. They just started a podcast and I list...
Adult step children -- today you will hear from a step-parenting author and expert and -- to round things out -- some adult step children. Our guest says: "I think being a step-parent is one of the hardest jobs in the worl...
What is the biggest regret of most parents today? Our guest today, one of the foremost experts who studies how individuals and families develop and change throughout their lives, tells us that as we age, we regret not reconci...
We made you wait for this one! Why you may have trouble sleeping as you age and what you can do about. Do you happen to know what the "on-off" switch for sleep is in your brain? We did not. But now we do. Listen now to le...
This is such an important episode and one that we hope all listeners will enjoy this second time around. For parents of adult children, mental health disease is one of our most frightening thoughts. We are hoping this episod...
Another listener favorite. So many listeners wrote about how they put Dr. Heitler's suggestions to good use! Join us for a conversation with Dr. Susan Heitler , a renowned relationship therapist. She is best known for clari...
This is the episode we've gotten the most mail about! Listeners loved it! Today Ellen and Denise welcome Tess Brigham, a licensed psychotherapist, life coach and former twenty-something. In a recent article from CNBC Tess ...
This is one funny episode. That's why we are doing a special EPISODE REWIND. Today we interview Susan Engel, a professor of psychology at Williams College and the author of the New York Times Article: When They're Grown, Th...
The emerging adult - now recognized as “the third stage of life.” Our guest today says that studying the emerging adult years (about age 19-29) is much like studying the preschool years — the preschool years set the stage for...