We are on it! Today we are talking about mothers and daughters!
And it begins with the burnt hamburger. But more about that in today’s episode. You will have to listen.
A listener wrote: Where have you been for the last 15 years? I have been searching for books, podcasts, and the internet for some real support on parenting adult children. Nothing.”
The listener proceeded to ask if we might explore more about the mother/daughter relationship and expressed some of the struggles she was having with her own adult daughters.
In her message she said that she imagined that as she and her daughter got older, they would become closer. But instead, she feels like she is biting her tongue all the time,
Denise and Ellen welcomed Rosjke Hasseldine, an internationally recognized mother-daughter therapist with over 20 years listening to women and girls from around the world talk about their lives and relationships.
Rosjke is the creator of the Mother-Daughter Coaching Model which uncovers and explains the hidden dynamics between mothers and daughters. She is also the author of two books - "The Silent Female Scream'' and "The Mother-Daughter Puzzle".
Visit Mother Daughter Coaching International for information about Hasseldine, her books, training courses, and free articles and videos.
Thanks so much to Connie Gorant Fisher, our audio engineer.
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