Hello everyone and welcome to another episode of BITE YOUR TONGUE: The Podcast.
You asked for it! This is another episode that answers a listener question!
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This is a quick a very quick refresher course on understanding the LGBTQ+ pronouns and language
About a year ago we had of our most emotional episodes about understanding LGBTQ+ with Levi Teachey, President of P-Flag Denver and Stacy Shigaway, a parent of a pansexual daughter.
Even since that episode things have changed. We can't seem to keep our pronouns and language straight for this ever-changing community.
Our listeners asked for a refresher and we are happy to oblige. And we found the perfect guest.
Denise was in LA recently visiting her daughter. She took a walk with a friend and a young 20-something person joined the group who identified as non-binary, using the pronoun “they.” Denise was tripping over her tongue the entire walk and finally at the end she asked they if they might join us on the podcast. They agreed and here we are.
They is concise and articulate.
Here is a link to the article we discuss: What Quakers Can Teach Us About the Politics of Pronouns.
This may be from WIKI, but we found this helpful as well. Print it out and work on learning these new and important pronouns.
Thanks so much to Connie Gorant Fisher, our audio engineer.
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