Bite Your Tongue: The Podcast
June 17, 2022

Season 2 Episode 32 Father's Day Special with Dr. Deryl Goldberg

Season 2 Episode 32 Father's Day Special with Dr. Deryl Goldberg

Happy Father's Day.  We hope many father's (and even mother's) listen and take this episode to heart.  It's a good one!

Today, we welcome Dr. Deryl Goldenberg. We learned about him when we saw an article he wrote called: “The Psychology Behind Strained Father and Son Relationships.” With many years of  working with men in therapy, the issues that come up with careers or relationships can often be traced back to their lack of a relationship with their fathers.

 Goldenberg is a licensed clinical psychologist with over 30 years in private practice.  He is also the Executive Director of the Verdugo Hills Autism Project, a non-public agency providing intervention services to children with emotional and developmental disorders. 

 Today, in honor of Father’s Day we want to talk about the father’s role in the life of the emerging adult child.  We tend to focus so much on mothers, and the father is behind the curtain or many times silent.

We talk about so many things and his thoughtful answers can apply to nearly any relationship in our lives.  To become a surgeon, carpenter or teacher takes time, practice and work, he says - but so do relationships. 

For a strong relationship to develop a father has to be interested in really knowing their child - whatever their life choices.  This reminded us a bit about our conversation with Rosjke Hasseldine, when she spoke about "understanding" one another.  You do  not have to agree, but work to understand.  If you missed it, here is a link to that episode.
Thanks so much to Connie Gorant Fisher, our audio engineer.

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