Today we talk about the COVID-19 Outbreak and the rise of anxiety and depression in young adults.
We know we are all tired of hearing and reading about COVID-19. But this article in the New York Times caught our attention: Young Adults Report Rising Levels of Anxiety and Depression in Pandemic
We reached out to the lead author of the study, Mark Czeisler, to talk more about it. Mark is actually younger than many of our adult children, but at 25 years old, he's an accomplished researcher and provided an insightful and impressive interview.
He is one of a group of scientists (four from Harvard and one from the University of Melbourne) involved in the COPE Initiative. COPE, which stands for COVID-19 Outbreak Public Evaluation Initiative, assesses public attitudes, behaviors, and beliefs related to the coronavirus disease and the pandemic. The goal is to evaluate mental and behavioral health during the pandemic.
Mark is well-spoken and takes us behind the scenes of this study, underscoring the way emerging adults have been affected -- maybe for the long-term -- by the global pandemic.
He provides suggestions on how we might support our young adult children and also shares some interesting trends in mental health programs, both at the corporate and governmental levels, that were initiated by this study.
We think you will enjoy this - and it is a short one!
Thanks so much to Connie Gorant Fisher, our audio engineer.
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