Season I: Episode 1 - Adulting Made Easy with Guest, Author Amanda Morin

Date: Recorded on Sunday, April 4 - Dropped on April 17
Name of Show: Adulting Made Easy - Author Amanda Morin
Episode Title and #: Adulting Made Easy - #01
- Show hosts: Denise Gorant and Dr. Ellen Braaten
- Guest: Author Amanda Morin shared details of her newly released book, “Adulting Made Easy.”
How to help your adult kids transition to adulthood. How to provide advice, without being shut out and what role do parents play.
“We really do not know much about this stage of parenting, no one has really studied it, it is really new territory,” Dr. Ellen Braaten.
What kind of support do young adults need and how parents can play a role -- from understanding health insurance to boiling and egg and doing laundry. How to provide advice to adult kids without being shut out.
“It’s a dance,” said Morin. “One foot in and one foot out.” She also offered the phrase, “I may not agree with you, but I support your choice,” and “You do not owe me an explanation. When adult kids make a decision and are asking for approval - “you do not owe me an explanation.”
List of Resources:
Adulting Made Easy on Amazon. But check your local bookstore too.
Dr. Ellen Braaten
Thanks so much to Connie Gorant Fisher, our audio engineer.
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