WE ARE ON IT! Answering YOUR Questions!
Today's Question:
How do you handle a situation where your adult child is participating in what you believe is dangerous behavior?
These are just a few of the topics we discuss with two experts. The first you may remember from a previous episode (TALK THE TALK) with Dr. Susan Heitler, a renowned relationship therapist. She is best known for clarifying the basics of collaborative dialogue and provides wonderful techniques to use - not only with your adult children but for all of the relationships in your life you value.
Dr. Heitler's Website
We do some "role playing" and she helps us with the right words, right tone and right attitude to approach our adult children on these difficult subjects.
And because COVID-19 is such a central topic and concern these days, we also spoke with Rupali J. Limaye, PhD, MPH, MA who serves as a full-time faculty member with Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. She is a leading researcher in vaccine demand; vaccine hesitancy; vaccine acceptance; health behavior change; infectious diseases.
In her work she has interviewed thousands of vaccine hesitant people and believes
that vaccine hesitancy comes down to one word: TRUST. She says: "It’s really important for all of us to keep empathy front and center and to not be dismissive. A lot of people just need to talk it out and have a longer conversation."
Thanks so much to Connie Gorant Fisher, our audio engineer.
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